Exercise 3

Part 1

In the first part of this exercise we will need to check which fields of struct task_struct in Linux or proc_t are responsible for which aspects of process functioning. You will need to apply following changes to dump task scripts: timer probe has to be replaced to a pair of probes: proc:::exec-* and proc:::exit in DTrace or kprocess.exec_complete and kprocess.exit in SystemTap. We have used exit probes for execve() system call to collect command line arguments: they are not filled in unless execve() call finishes.

Here list of expected observations during this exercise:

Here are resulting scripts (they are not much different from original):

  Script file dumptask-lab3.stp

 * taskdump.stp
 * Prints information about current task
 * Extracts data from `task_struct`
 * Tested on CentOS 7.0

 * Structures `dentry` and `vfsmnt` were separate in older kernels.
 * Newer kernels feature unified `path` structures that contain them both.
 * SystemTap doesn't cache full path, so we have to use function task_dentry_path(), 
 * to get entire path in this manner:
 *      dentry = @cast(file, "file")->f_path->dentry;
 *      vfsmnt = @cast(file, "file")->f_path->mnt;
 *      return task_dentry_path(task, dentry, vfsmnt);
 * Unfortunately, SystemTap has bug 16991, fixed in 2.6, so
 * we limit output to a basename
function file_path:string(task:long, file:long) {
    if(@defined(@cast(file, "file")->f_vfsmnt))
        return d_name(@cast(file, "file")->f_dentry);    
    return d_name(@cast(file, "file")->f_path->dentry);  
function task_root_path:string(task:long, fs_ptr:long) {
    if(@defined(@cast(fs_ptr, "fs_struct")->rootmnt))
        return d_name(@cast(fs_ptr, "fs_struct")->root);
    return d_name(@cast(fs_ptr, "fs_struct")->root->dentry);
function task_pwd_path:string(task:long, fs_ptr:long) {
    if(@defined(@cast(fs_ptr, "fs_struct")->pwdmnt))
        return d_name(@cast(fs_ptr, "fs_struct")->pwd);
    return d_name(@cast(fs_ptr, "fs_struct")->pwd->dentry);    

 * Prints exectuable file name from `mm->exe_file` */
function task_exefile(task:long, mm_ptr:long) {
    if(mm_ptr) {
        printf("\texe: %s\n", 
               file_path(task, @cast(mm_ptr, "mm_struct")->exe_file));

 * Prints root and current dir of a task */
function task_paths(task:long, fs_ptr:long) {
    if(fs_ptr) {
        printf("\troot: %s\n", task_root_path(task, fs_ptr));
        printf("\tcwd: %s\n", task_pwd_path(task, fs_ptr));

 * Prints arguments vector. Arguments are copied into process memory (stack)
 * and located in memory area (mm->arg_start; mm_arg_end), of the strings that 
 * separated with NULL-terminators, i.e.:
 * +-----+----+-------------+----+
 * | cat | \0 | /etc/passwd | \0 |
 * +-----+----+-------------+----+
 * ^                             ^
 * arg_start                     arg_end
 * WARNING: This is only a demostration functions, use cmdline_*() functions
 * instead
 * NOTE: functions user_string* read from current address space 
 * To get arguments from other processes, use Embedded C and 
 * function that look like proc_pid_cmdline
function task_args(mm_ptr:long) {
    if(mm_ptr) {
        arg_start = @cast(mm_ptr, "mm_struct")->arg_start;
        arg_end = @cast(mm_ptr, "mm_struct")->arg_end;
        if (arg_start != 0 && arg_end != 0)
            len = arg_end - arg_start;
            nr = 0;

            /*Выбираем первый аргумент*/
            arg = user_string2(arg_start, "");
            while (len > 0)
                printf("\targ%d: %s\n", nr, arg);
                arg_len = strlen(arg);
                arg_start += arg_len + 1;
                len -= arg_len + 1;

                arg = user_string2(arg_start, "");

 * Returns file descriptor using fd
 * NOTE: see pfiles.stp
function task_fd_filp:long(files:long, fd:long) {
    return @cast(files, "files_struct")->fdt->fd[fd];

function task_fds(task:long) {
    task_files = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")->files;

    if(task_files) {
        max_fds = task_max_file_handles(task);

        for (fd = 0; fd < max_fds; fd++) {
            filp = task_fd_filp(task_files, fd);
            if(filp) {
                printf("\tfile%d: %s\n", fd, file_path(task, filp));

 * Prints start time of a process in seconds
 * start time - monotonic
 * real start time - boot time based
 * NOTE: This function assumes that `timespec` is used, but these
 * variables were replaced with u64 in kernel 3.17
function task_start_time_x(task:long) {
    if(@defined(@cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")
            ->start_time)) {
        start_time_sec = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")
        real_time_sec = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")
        printf("\tstart time: %ds\t real start time: %ds\n", start_time_sec, real_time_sec);
    else {
        real_time_sec = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")
        printf("\treal start time: %ds\n", real_time_sec);

 * Prints scheduler stats */
function task_time_stats(task:long) {
    user = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")->utime;
    kernel = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")->stime;
    printf("\tuser: %s\t kernel: %s\n", cputime_to_string(user), cputime_to_string(kernel));

function dump_task(task:long) {
    task_mm = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")->mm;
    task_fs = @cast(task, "task_struct", "kernel")->fs;

    printf("Task %p is %d@%d %s\n", task, task_pid(task), task_cpu(task), task_execname(task));

    task_exefile(task, task_mm);
    task_paths(task, task_fs);

probe kprocess.exec_complete, kprocess.exit {

  Script file dumptask-lab3.d

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qCs

 * dumptask.d
 * Prints information about current task once per second
 * Contains macros to extract data from `kthread_t` and its siblings
 * Some parts use standard translators `psinfo_t` and `lwpsinfo_t*`
 * Tested on Solaris 11.2

int argnum;
void* argvec;
string pargs[int];

int fdnum;
uf_entry_t* fdlist;

#define PSINFO(thread) xlate(thread->t_procp)
#define LWPSINFO(thread) xlate(thread)

#define PUSER(thread) thread->t_procp->p_user

 * Extract pointer depending on data model: 8 byte for 64-bit
 * programs and 4 bytes for 32-bit programs.
#define DATAMODEL_ILP32 0x00100000
#define GETPTR(proc, array, idx)                                \
    ((uintptr_t) ((proc->p_model == DATAMODEL_ILP32)            \
    ?  ((uint32_t*) array)[idx] : ((uint64_t*) array)[idx]))
#define GETPTRSIZE(proc)                                        \
    ((proc->p_model == DATAMODEL_ILP32)? 4 : 8)

#define FILE(list, num)     list[num].uf_file
#define CLOCK_TO_MS(clk)    (clk) * (`nsec_per_tick / 1000000)

/* Helper to extract vnode path in safe manner */
#define VPATH(vn)                                \
    ((vn) == NULL || (vn)->v_path == NULL)       \
        ? "unknown" : stringof((vn)->v_path)

/* Prints process root - can be not `/` for zones */
#define DUMP_TASK_ROOT(thread)                   \
    printf("\troot: %s\n",                       \
        PUSER(thread).u_rdir == NULL             \
        ? "/"                                    \
        : VPATH(PUSER(thread).u_rdir));

/* Prints current working directory of a process */
#define DUMP_TASK_CWD(thread)                    \
    printf("\tcwd: %s\n",                        \

/* Prints executable file of a process */
#define DUMP_TASK_EXEFILE(thread)                \
    printf("\texe: %s\n",                        \

/* Copy up to 9 process arguments. We use `psinfo_t` tapset to get 
   number of arguments, and copy pointers to them into `argvec` array,
   and strings into `pargs` array.
   See also kernel function `exec_args()` */
#define COPYARG(t, n)                                           \
    pargs[n] = (n < argnum && argvec != 0)                      \
        ? copyinstr(GETPTR(t->t_procp, argvec, n)) : "???"
#define DUMP_TASK_ARGS_START(thread)                            \
    printf("\tpsargs: %s\n", PSINFO(thread)->pr_psargs);        \
    argnum = PSINFO(thread)->pr_argc;                           \
    argvec = (PSINFO(thread)->pr_argv != 0) ?                   \
               copyin(PSINFO(thread)->pr_argv,                  \
                      argnum * GETPTRSIZE(thread->t_procp)) : 0;\
    COPYARG(thread, 0); COPYARG(thread, 1); COPYARG(thread, 2); \
    COPYARG(thread, 3); COPYARG(thread, 4); COPYARG(thread, 5); \
    COPYARG(thread, 6); COPYARG(thread, 7); COPYARG(thread, 8); 

/* Prints start time of process */
#define DUMP_TASK_START_TIME(thread)                         \
    printf("\tstart time: %ums\n",                           \
        (unsigned long) thread->t_procp->p_mstart / 1000000);

/* Processor time used by a process. Only for conformance
   with dumptask.d, it is actually set when process exits */
#define DUMP_TASK_TIME_STATS(thread)                         \
    printf("\tuser: %ldms\t kernel: %ldms\n",                \
        CLOCK_TO_MS(thread->t_procp->p_utime),               \
#define DUMP_TASK_FDS_START(thread)                          \
    fdlist = PUSER(thread).u_finfo.fi_list;                  \
    fdcnt = 0;                                               \
    fdnum = PUSER(thread).u_finfo.fi_nfiles;                 
#define DUMP_TASK(thread)                                    \
    printf("Task %p is %d/%d@%d %s\n", thread,               \
            PSINFO(thread)->pr_pid,                          \
            LWPSINFO(thread)->pr_lwpid,                      \
            LWPSINFO(thread)->pr_onpro,                      \
            PUSER(thread).u_comm);                           \
    DUMP_TASK_EXEFILE(thread)                                \
    DUMP_TASK_ROOT(thread)                                   \
    DUMP_TASK_CWD(thread)                                    \
    DUMP_TASK_ARGS_START(thread)                             \
    DUMP_TASK_FDS_START(thread)                              \
    DUMP_TASK_START_TIME(thread)                             \

#define _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, argi)                         \
probe /argi < argnum/ {                                      \
    printf("\targ%d: %s\n", argi, pargs[argi]); }    
#define DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe)                                \
    _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 0)   _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 1)    \
    _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 2)   _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 3)    \
    _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 4)   _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 5)    \
    _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 6)   _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 7)    \
    _DUMP_ARG_PROBE(probe, 8)

#define _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, fd)                          \
probe /fd < fdnum && FILE(fdlist, fd)/ {                     \
    printf("\tfile%d: %s\n", fd,                             \
                VPATH(FILE(fdlist, fd)->f_vnode)); }
#define DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe)                               \
    _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 0)  _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 1)   \
    _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 2)  _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 3)   \
    _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 4)  _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 5)   \
    _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 6)  _DUMP_FILE_PROBE(probe, 7)

    proc = 0;
    argnum = 0;
    fdnum = 0;

proc:::exec-*, proc:::exit {

DUMP_ARG_PROBE(proc:::exec-*)   DUMP_ARG_PROBE(proc:::exit)
DUMP_FILE_PROBE(proc:::exec-*)  DUMP_FILE_PROBE(proc:::exit)

Part 2

First of all we have to create several associative arrays which will use PID as a key (we can't use thread-local variables here because exit() can be called from any of process threads), and timestamp as a value. Final data will be kept in aggregations which we already learned in exercise 2.

We will use probes from the section Lifetime of a process. They are shown in the following picture:


However, we do not know PID at the time fork() is called so we will use thread-local variable for that. We can check return value of fork() in return probe and re-use timestamp saved previously if everything went fine and fork() has returned value greater than 1 or throw it away.

We wrote an ugly function task_args() to collect process arguments in dumptask.stp script. This data is available since SystemTap 2.5: kprocess.exec probe provides program's arguments in argstr argument. We will use curpsinfo->pr_psargs on Solaris as it keeps first 80 characters of command line to get rid of copying userspace arguments too. We will use timestamp variable in DTrace as a source of timestamps (again, a tautology). We will use local_clock_us() function as we do not care about CPU time skew.

Finally, to reduce memory footprint in SystemTap, we will reduce associative arrays sizes. Here are resulting scripts:

  Script file forktime.stp

global tm_fork_start_par[128], tm_fork_start[128], tm_fork_end[128], 
       tm_exec_start[128], tm_exec_end[128], p_argstr[128];
global fork[128], postfork[128], exec[128], proc[128];

probe syscall.fork {
    tm_fork_start_par[tid()] = local_clock_us();   
probe syscall.fork.return {
    if($return > 1) {
        tm_fork_start[$return] = tm_fork_start_par[tid()];
        delete tm_fork_start_par[tid()];
probe kprocess.start {
    tm_fork_end[pid()] = local_clock_us();
probe kprocess.exec {
    p_argstr[pid()] = argstr;
    tm_exec_start[pid()] = local_clock_us();
probe kprocess.exec_complete {
    tm_exec_end[pid()] = local_clock_us();
probe kprocess.exit {
    argstr = p_argstr[pid()];

    fork[execname(), argstr] <<< tm_fork_end[pid()] - tm_fork_start[pid()];
    postfork[execname(), argstr] <<< tm_exec_start[pid()] - tm_fork_end[pid()];
    exec[execname(), argstr] <<< tm_exec_end[pid()] - tm_exec_start[pid()];
    proc[execname(), argstr] <<< local_clock_us() - tm_exec_end[pid()];

    delete tm_fork_start[pid()];    delete tm_fork_end[pid()];
    delete tm_exec_start[pid()];    delete tm_exec_end[pid()];
    delete p_argstr[pid()];

probe timer.s(1) {
    printf("%48s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n",
            "COMMAND", "FORK", "POSTFORK", "EXEC", "PROC");
    foreach([execname, args] in proc) {
        printf("%10s %36s  %6dus %6dus %6dus %6dus\n", execname, args, 
                @avg(fork[execname, args]), 
                @avg(postfork[execname, args]), 
                @avg(exec[execname, args]), 
                @avg(proc[execname, args]));
    delete fork; delete postfork; delete exec; delete proc;

  Script file forktime.d

uint64_t tm_fork_start[int];
uint64_t tm_fork_end[int];
uint64_t tm_exec_start[int];
uint64_t tm_exec_end[int];

syscall::*fork*:entry {
    self->tm_fork_start = timestamp;    
/arg1 > 0/ 
    tm_fork_start[arg1] = self->tm_fork_start;

proc:::start {
    tm_fork_end[pid] = timestamp;
proc:::exec {
    tm_exec_start[pid] = timestamp;
proc:::exec-* {
    tm_exec_end[pid] = timestamp;

/ tm_fork_start[pid] > 0 && tm_fork_end[pid] > 0 &&
  tm_exec_start[pid] > 0 && tm_exec_end[pid] > 0 /
    @fork[curpsinfo->pr_fname, curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = 
            avg(tm_fork_end[pid] - tm_fork_start[pid]);
    @postfork[curpsinfo->pr_fname, curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = 
            avg(tm_exec_start[pid] - tm_fork_end[pid]);
    @exec[curpsinfo->pr_fname, curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = 
            avg(tm_exec_end[pid] - tm_exec_start[pid]);
    @proc[curpsinfo->pr_fname, curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = 
            avg(timestamp - tm_exec_end[pid]);

    tm_fork_start[pid] = 0; tm_fork_end[pid] = 0;
    tm_exec_start[pid] = 0; tm_exec_end[pid] = 0;

tick-1s {
    normalize(@fork, 1000);     normalize(@postfork, 1000);
    normalize(@exec, 1000);     normalize(@proc, 1000);

    printf("%32s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n",
                "COMMAND", "FORK", "POSTFORK", "EXEC", "PROC");
    printa("%10s %22s %@6dus %@6dus %@6dus %@6dus\n", 
                 @fork, @exec, @postfork, @proc);

    clear(@fork); clear(@postfork); clear(@exec); clear(@proc);