
Consider the following task: you need to know which functions are called more often than others or spend most time when executing because it makes them perfect targets for code optimization. You may do it by attaching to every function entry and exit point the following script:

fbt:::entry { 
    self->start = timestamp; 

    @fc[probefunc] = count();
    @ft[probefunc] = avg(timestamp - self->start); 
tick-1s { 
    printa("%s %@d %@d", @fc, @ft); 
    trunc(@fc); trunc(@ft) }


This script is conceptual! Do not run it on real system.

If you were able to collect data with this script, you'll got population, but you couldn't do that. Usually function call takes several processor cycles and a single instruction, but when you run it, you'll need hundreds of instructions (for getting timestamp and writing to a aggregation), which causes colossal overhead. Statistics theory, however, provides a solution to that: instead of gathering entire population, you may reduce it to a sample, which is representative (reproduces significant properties of a population). Collecting a sample is called sampling, while sampling function calls is usually referred as profiling.


In software engineering, profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis that measures, for example, the space (memory) or time complexity of a program, the usage of particular instructions, or the frequency and duration of function calls. Most commonly, profiling information serves to aid program optimization.

Modern operating systems provide builtin profilers, such as OProfile and SysProf in Linux which were replaced with perf subsystem since 2.6.31 kernel or er_kernel from Solaris Studio. However, Dynamic tracing languages allow to build custom profilers.

A simplest profiler records process ID to see which processes or threads consume CPU resources more than others, as we discussed about timer probes. They may be implemented with following DTrace script:

# dtrace -qn ' 
    profile-997hz {
        @load[pid, execname] = count(); 
    tick-20s { exit(0); }'

Or in SystemTap:

# stap -e 'global load; 
    probe timer.profile {
        load[pid(), execname()] <<< 1; }
    probe timer.s(20) {

If we want to go down to a function level, we need to access program counter register (or instruction pointer in x86 terminology) each time profiling probe fires. We will refer to program counter as PC later in this book. In DTrace these values are explicitly provided in arg0 –- PC in kernel mode and arg1 –- PC in userspace mode in profiling probes. Depending on if process was in kernel mode when profiling probe fired or not, arg0 or arg1 will be set to 0. Moreover, you may always get current userspace program counter using uregs array: uregs[REG_PC]. There is also caller and ucaller built-in variables.

You can use addr() tapset function in SystemTap which returns userspace PC or kernel PC depending on where probe were fired (some probes do not allow that, so 0 will be returned). To get userspace address explicitly, use uaddr() function.


Note that we were used profile-997hz probe to avoid "phasing": if we'd used profile-1000hz probe, there were a chance, that all probes were fired while system timer handler is working, thus making profiling useless (we will see that 100% of time kernel spends in system timer). In SystemTap timer.profile uses system timer for profiling, but addr() and uaddr() return correct values.

CPU performance measurement

Even if you collect program counter values, you will get what functions use CPU the most, but that doesn't mean that utilize processor resources effectively. For example, it can spend most of the time waiting for memory or cache or reset pipeline due to branch misprediction instead of utilizing ALU for actual computations. Such wasted cycles are referred as stalled in Intel processor documentation.

Modern processors allow to measure influence of such performance penalties through CPU performance counters. Each time such event happens, CPU increments value of the counter. When counter exceeds threshold, exception is arisen which may be handled by dynamic tracing system. Or, counter may be read from userspace application, for example with rdpmc assembly instruction on Intel CPUs.

You may use cpustat tool to get list of available CPU events in Solaris:

# cpustat -h
event0:  cpu_clk_unhalted.thread_p inst_retired.any_p

Description of such events may be found in CPU's documentation. SPARC counters are described in the book "Solaris Application Programming", but it lacks description of newer CPUs (SPARC T3 and later). However, documentation on SPARC T4 and T5 may be found here: Systems Documentation. Solaris also provides CPU-independent generic counters which names start with PAPI prefix.

Linux have separate subsystem that is responsible for providing access to CPU performance counters: perf. It has userspace utility perf, which can show you list of supported events:

# perf list
List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e):
    cpu-cycles OR cycles                     [Hardware event]
    instructions                             [Hardware event]

You can use userspace tools perf in Linux or cpustat/cputrack in Solaris to gather CPU counters.

DTrace provides CPU counters through cpc provider (which is implemented through separate kernel module). It probe names consists from multiple parameters:


EventName is a name of event taken from cpustat output (and matches documentation name in case of Intel CPUs). Following parameter defines a mode: kernel probes only account kernel instructions, user only work for userspace, and all will profile both. Number is a threshold for a counter after which probe will fire. Do not set Number to a small values to avoid overheads and system lockup, 10000 provides is relatively accurate readings. Mask is an optional parameter which allows to filter devices which accounted in performance counters (such as memory controllers or cores) and should be a hexademical number.

For example, you may use probe PAPI_l3_tcm-user-10000 to measure number of userspace misses to last-level cache which is L3 cache in our case:

# dtrace -n '
    /arg1 != 0/ { 
        @[usym(arg1)] = count(); } 
    END { 
        trunc(@, 20); 

SystemTap provides access to CPU counter using perf tapset:

# stap -l 'perf.*.*'
# stap -l 'perf.*.*.*.*'

These probes are actually aliases for the following probes:


type and config are numbers used in perf_event_attr –- their values may be found in header linux/perf_event.h. sample is a number of events after which probe firing. process-name allows to monitor only certain processes instead of system-wide sampling and contains name of the process (path to executable). counter-name allows to set an alias for performance counter which will be later used for @perf expression (see below).

To measure last userspace level cache misses in SystemTap, you may use following script:

# stap -v -e '
    global misses; 
    probe { 
        if(!user_mode()) next; 
        misses[probefunc()] <<< 1; 
    } ' -d 


These examples were tested on Intel Xeon E5-2420 processor. Like we mentioned before, performance counters are CPU-specific.

SystemTap allows to create per-processor counter which can be read later:

# stap -v -t -e '
    probe perf.hw.instructions
        .process("/bin/bash").counter("insns") { } 

    probe process("/bin/bash").function("cd_builtin")  { 
        printf(" insns = %d\n", @perf("insns"));


There is a bug PR-17660 which can cause BUG() in kernel when you use @perf in userspace. It seem to be resolved in current SystemTap/Kernel.