TSDoc is an internal TSLoad engine for generating documentation which supports here-docs inside C sources in Markdown and standalone Markdown text pages and converts them to a desired output format: HTML, LaTeX or Text. TSDoc consists of several components which are located in tools/doc:


TSDoc generates API documentation, thus only declarations with here-docs or functions that have LIBEXPORT qualifier are presented in documentation. TSLoad also documents types that are used in a function parameters. There are two special qualifiers that alter this behavior: TSDOC_FORCE enforces generation while TSDOC_HIDDEN disables it.

Multiple files may provide documentation for one page: main header file (should be parsed first) and multiple source and header files. If some function doesn't have here-doc in main header file, it can be taken from source file, etc. Definitions in main header file are grouped. Double newline delimits groups. If group have common here-doc than builder will allocate single Block to represent that definition, but if there is separate here-doc for one of the elements of that group, it will be separated. Each element has its own name (variable name, function name, type name) so group will have header: comma-separated list of that names (unless @name directive isn't used).

Like DoxyGen, TSLoad here-doc starts with /**, ends with */ and should precede documentation declaration (no additional newlines allowed). Other here-doc forms like //< are not allowed. Here-docs that doesn't correspond to any of declarations will be considered "module" here-docs and will be added to the beginning of the documentation page. TSDoc also cuts out first asterisk * at the beginning of each line of here-doc.

TSDoc here-docs support following directives:

Directive Description
Any of markdown directives
@module Name of module. Will be used as header in page and as a name of links referring this module
@name Name of declaration group
@param ARG For function declarations: name of argument
@member FIELD For complex type declarations: name of field
@value VALUE For enumerations or constants: value
@note Note
@see Reference (not actually parsed as reference)
@return Note about returning value

Directives are ending with newline, but can be expanded with backslash \. They are followed by text corresponding to that directive (it also supports Markdown, but no blocks such as code block, headers and tables).


Markdown is used in TSLoad documentation, thus there are some extensions to it:

Markdown directive Description
Embedded directives
_text_ or *text* Italic text
__text__ or **text** Bold text
`code` Embedded code
[tag] HTML anchor for references or a tag
[link text][docspace/page] Intra-documentation link
[link text](external link) External link
![alt text](link to image) Image
### Header Header. Number of number signs will be level of header (from 1 to 6). Header ends with newline.
Block directives
* List element List element. Indentation of list element will be its depth.
> Block quote Block quote
``` Beginning and ending of code block
--- Beginning and ending of table (block)
| Cell separator inside table
N,M At the beginning of cell - rowspan and colspan correspondingly.

Markdown directives may be escaped with backlash \.

Builder and printer

Builder is a heart of TSDoc. Builder reads incoming files in one of two formats:

It parses markdown, and generates additional text for preprocessed sources such as sections and headers, function visibility labels. Builder is also responsible for setting inter-page references and links. Inter-page link consists from two or three parts including in the following format: docspace/page#reference where reference part is optional. When documentation is built, builder creates in-memory list of a pages and replaces each inter-page link with a corresponding format link, i.e with <a href=''> in html, or if that link cannot be found, it marks it with red font. If link text is omitted, TSLoad may try to pick it from most-significant header of Markdown page or @module directive of a source file.

Documentation is split into "docspaces" - bunches of markdown and sources files that cover similiar topics, like this page is part of development documentation. Markdown pages have following path relative to agent sources root: doc/docspace/page.src.md. Main page of a documentation is located in a doc/ subdirectory and called index.src.md. TSDoc firstly processes that file to find docspaces and its properties. Each docspace starts with 3rd level header followed by "docspace tags" -- special form of tag that doesn't parsed into a block but contains special settings for that docspace:

Order of links inside index file is used to generate links to next, previous and upper page. For single-paged formats like TeX, it will also used to order information in output files. Note that index file is also used in builder emitter inside SCons to determine which files will be generated and correctly install them.

After preprocessing all files, Bulder runs Printer to generate output files.