
Get information on hardware platform and operating system agent is running on.

Strings that are returned by uname functions are statically allocated in
libhostinfo, no need to dispose them

These functions are optional, and may return generic data is they are not
implemented on target platform


Linux shares implementation with POSIX, but provides domain name from uname() output.

hi_get_os_name() is redefined because uname() provides only a Linux Kernel name.
It collects information from following sources:

It also cuts out irrelevant words i.e. CentOS release 6.3 (Final) -> CentOS 6.3

hi_get_sys_name() provides information from /sys/class/dmi/id/ for x86 platforms
for non-x86 platforms, it'll probably return "Unknown system" string


These functions are simple wrappers around uname() system call.
Getting hardware platform name and DNS domain name is not supported


On Solaris hi_get_os_name() / hi_get_os_release() are based on /etc/release

First line of release file looks like:

<lot of spaces> <name of Solaris> <Version fields> <KernelID> [SPARC|X86] <misc. info>

Uses SPARC|X86 as an anchor to provide Kernel ID as OS release and rest of /etc/release's
first line as osname. Misc info is ignored

hi_get_sys_name() is implemented only for x86 using libsmbios


Uses GetVersionEx() and GetSystemInfo() pair of calls to get all system information
GetComputerName*() functions provide host name and domain

NOTE: Operating system name is deduced from dwMajorVersion / dwMinorVersion
so for newer Windows versions it may return "Unknown ..."



hi_get_os_release, hi_get_os_name


Returns operating system name and version

LIBEXPORT PLATAPI const char* hi_get_os_name()
LIBEXPORT PLATAPI const char* hi_get_os_release()

hi_get_nodename, hi_get_domainname


Returns nodename and domain name of current host

LIBEXPORT PLATAPI const char* hi_get_nodename()
LIBEXPORT PLATAPI const char* hi_get_domainname()



Returns machine architecture

LIBEXPORT PLATAPI const char* hi_get_mach()



Returns system model and vendor

LIBEXPORT PLATAPI const char* hi_get_sys_name()