
Installing prerequisites on Linux

    # wget ''
    # rpm -i scons-2.3.4-1.noarch.rpm

Installing prerequisites on Solaris 11

    # wget ''
    # tar xzvf scons-2.2.0.tar.gz
    # cd scons-2.2.0/
    # python install

    # pkg install pkg:/developer/gcc-45
    # pkg install pkg:/system/header
    # pkg install pkg:/developer/build/onbld

NOTE: onbld provides ctfmerge and ctfconvert utilities which are used to convert debugging information from DWARF to CTF format (latter is supported by Solaris Modular DeBugger). They are not necessary.

On Solaris 10 you will probably need to use OpenCSW repositories.

Installing prerequisites on Windows


To build TSLoad agent you need to change your working directory to directory containing sources than run SCons:
# scons [options] [arguments] [targets]

To list SCons options (both own SCons options and project options), use:
# scons --help

SCons supports parallel make:
# scons -j 8
NOTE: PLATAPI processor uses file locking to protect plat_cache database. It may hang build process.

To make SCons quiet, specify -Q option.

There are several targets provided by agent:

To build debug version of loader (currently it is built by default), you need to specify --enable-debug option. --enable-trace adds additional tracing facilities into loader. These options has --disable-* siblings that disable debug/trace options.

To generate custom tsload.cfg for agent you may specify --tsload-log-file and --tsload-server options.


So let's make test build of our loader (this example is for Linux).