Writing your own module

As we mentioned in introduction, TSLoad is a modular framework, so all workloads it could generate and monitors it provide are implemented in several modules. Module is an external dynamic loadable library (or shared object in Unix terminology.

Generating module sources

TSLoad has a special tool - tsgenmodsrc that generates source code and build files for workload type from templates. It is described in documentation. However, it is recommended to read this page of documentation too to know what it generates.

Writing module from scratch

When TSLoad agent starts, it loads every library in its module directory, calls mod_config() function from it and keeps it in memory while process is working. When process stops, it calls corresponding mod_unconfig().

Let's take a closer look to a skeleton of TSLoad Module:

#define LOG_SOURCE "test_module"
#include <tsload/log.h>

#include <tsload/defs.h>
#include <tsload/modapi.h>


struct module* self = NULL;

MODEXPORT int mod_config(struct module* mod) {
    self = mod;
    return MOD_OK;

MODEXPORT int mod_unconfig(struct module* mod) {
    return MOD_OK;

First two lines contain macro named LOG_SOURCE is a helper for logging routines so they all have same logging source, and a corresponding include. The next header tsload/defs.h contains common macro definitions used inside TSLoad, for example boolean_t type. It is recommended to put this include directive first, but not necessary. Following header tsload/modapi.h defines API between module and TSLoad core.

After include directives, three DECLARE_* macro statements are going. They add global variables recognizable by TSLoad subsystem. If they would be set to incorrect values, TSLoad will drop module thinking it is incompatible.

NOTE: TSLoad doesn't support module signing, and all modules are loading automatically. It may be a security vulnerability.

Now, when module is written, it is time to build it! You may use your favorite build system for that, i.e. Make and its front-ends, or even manually run compiler and linker. Another option is to take SCons which is used internally in TSLoad. It allows to use some parts of TSLoad build scripts while building modules. For example, your module will have same CFLAGS TSLoad build with.

Now let's write simple SCons build script (which is called SConstruct) that uses TSLoad development files:

import os

env = DefaultEnvironment()
env['TSLOAD_DEVEL_PATH'] = '/path/to/TSLoad/development/files'
env['TSEXTPATH'] = Dir('#').abspath

                            'SConscript.ext.py'), 'env')

env.Module('load', 'test_module')

First line contains simple Python module import and not interesting. In the following lines, Environment is created - a global SCons associative arrays that contains build variables. Most of them are set internally by SConscripts, in our case we define only two of them - TSLOAD_DEVEL_PATH - that contains path to TSLoad development files and TSEXTPATH - path to our module sources (generated automatically based on SConstruct location). Development files are usually written to share/tsload/devel path inside TSLoad directory.

Then a file called SConscript.ext.py loaded. SConscripts is a name for auxiliary build scripts in SCons, so this file configures environment for the module. As a part of this process it adds Module operation to it. The last line in our SConstruct file is call of Module with two parameters: type of module: (should always be 'load') and name of it. Note that we didn't specify source file location. Thats because Module method assumes that you have followed TSLoad coding guidelines and put source files into root directory of module and headers to include subdirectory.

After writing a module just say in a terminal: $ scons install and SCons will build and install module to an appropriate directory. But this module is completely useless. Let's see, how to add abilities to it.

Implementing a workload type

So we wrote a module, but its completely useless to us, we need to implement a workload type. As we mentioned before, TSLoad allows to parametrize both workloads and its requests, so we need to create two C structures - one holding workload parameters, and other - for request parameters. Because TSLoad will write to a raw memory (C doesn't have reflection), use only wlp_* types for it:

struct test_module_workload {
    wlp_integer_t    some_parameter;

While TSLoad had bee configuring workload, it will allocate test_module_workload structure, write value for some_parameter from config to it and pass pointer to that structure in wl_params member of workload. Same works for a request - its parameters are saved in rq_params field of a request. Internal data of a workload can be saved in a wl_private field.

After that, create an array of wlp_descr_t structures, ending with WLP_NULL placeholder:

MODEXPORT wlp_descr_t test_module_params[] = {
        WLP_INT_RANGE(10, 20), WLP_NO_DEFAULT(),
        "This parameter is only an example, set its value to whatever you want",
        offsetof(struct test_module_workload, some_parameter) },
    { WLP_NULL }

See explanation of this in wlp_* types documentation, or use tsgenmodsrc to generate it.


MODEXPORT int test_module_wl_config(workload_t* wl) {
    return 0;
MODEXPORT int test_module_wl_unconfig(workload_t* wl) {
    return 0;
MODEXPORT int test_module_run_request(request_t* rq) {
    return 0;
MODEXPORT int test_module_step(struct workload_step* wls) {
    return 0;

First function, *_wl_config configures workload - i.e. making some preliminary actions that needed to correctly simulate it. I.e. it could be a calibration run or allocating disk storage. Note that each config function is called from separate thread, so if there are several workloads to be configured, they may compete for resources. Experiment wouldn't start until all workloads If configuration takes a lot of time, add wl_notify() calls to it with an appropriate messages. If configuration fails, call wl_notify with WL_CFG_FAILED with the reason of it and return non-zero value. Second function *_wl_unconfig is opposite to it -
reverts changes made by workload.

Third function: *_run_request is a heart of all TSLoad. It is responsible for request simulation. This function is called from the context of worker threads in a threadpool and could theoretically run in parallel, so be careful with shared data. The last function *_step is called at the beginning of each step from a control thread of a workload.

When you done it is time to acquaint TSLoad with your workload type. Create a wl_type_t descriptor, and call wl_type_register() in mod_config() as well as wl_type_unregister() in mod_unconfig():

wl_type_t test_module_wlt = {
        /* wlt_name */                  AAS_CONST_STR("test_module"),
        /* wlt_class */                 WLC_CPU_INTEGER | WLC_CPU_MISC,
        /* wlt_params */                test_module_params,

        /* wlt_params_size*/    sizeof(struct test_module_workload),
        /* wlt_rqparams_size*/  0,
        /* wlt_wl_config */             test_module_wl_config,
        /* wlt_wl_unconfig */   test_module_wl_unconfig,
        /* wlt_wl_step */               test_module_step,
        /* wlt_run_request */   test_module_run_request

As you can see, we set wlt_rqparams_size to zero, because our workload had no request parameters, so rq_params would be set to NULL. This descriptor also contains wlt_class field that classifies workload by resource it gathers - i.e. with WLP_CPU_INTEGER | WLP_CPU_MISC is a processor-bound and ALU-bound workload.