Key concepts: Workloads

To understand term workload, first we need to deal with term request. Good explanation is given by authors of Magpie tool:

A request is system-wide activity that takes place in response to any external stimulus of the application(s) being traced. For example, the stimulus of an HTTP request may trigger the opening of a file locally or the execution of multiple database queries on one or more remote machines, all of which should be accounted to the HTTP request. 1

However, such definition is correct for OS or application point of view. In the TSLoad we could define request quite different: "A request is a set of parameters that cause desired system-wide activities and another set of characteristics that describe these activities". Thus workload is a batch of related requests:

The requests made by users of system are called workloads. For example, CPU workload would consist of the instructions it is asked to execute. The workload of a database system would consist of queries and other requests it executes for users. 2

Defining workloads

To define workload, we have to characterize it and pick proper module that implements such workload. First of all you need to determine which computing resource you want load: i.e. network or level 1 cache of processor. Then you have to select workload type that generates correct workload for this resource. All workload types in TSLoad are classified by resource they loading (this is represented by bitmask wl_class values). Lets run tsexperiment with subcommand workload to determine which workload types are available:

$ ./bin/tsexperiment workload
WLTYPE           CLASS              MODULE      
http             --------------Nc-- http        
bigmem           C--m-------------- bigmem      
simpleio_write   ------F-rwDrw----- simpleio    
simpleio_read    ------F-rwDrw----- simpleio    
busy_wait        C----------------- busy_wait 

(some output is omitted)

As you can see from this output, there are two CPU-intensive workload types - bigmem and busy_wait, two disk I/O intensive workloads (the are labeled by large 'D' letters that stands for 'Disk' and large 'F' which stands for 'Filesystem') from simpleio module, and one network client workload type - 'http'. These letters are described in tsexperiment page.

When you have chosen workload type, it's time to attach it to threadpool. It could be done directly (by simply specifying its name as 'threadpool' parameter) or indirectly - through 'chain' parameter. In second case TSLoad will chain workloads requests and execute them sequentially without any delay. Chaining workloads is useful when you want to run batch of CPU instructions followed by some I/O and do not want to write new module for it. You could also set chaining 'probability' if not all requests have subsidiaries.

NOTE: Due to logic of chaining mechanism, you should multiply probabilities. For example if you have chain consisting from workloads abc, pqr and xyz, and you set probabilities to 0.5, than actual probability of workload 'xyz' would be 0.25 beause if pqr request wouldn't be chained to abc, then TSLoad wouldn't try to do the same with xyz request.

Third main characteristic of workload is time series of number of requests per step, called 'steps'. They are provided by step generator which run on server-side or inside tsexperiment tool. Latter supports two step generators: constant, which would generate stationary workload with equal number of requests on each steps and file which allows to set number of requests on per-step basis.

Request scheduling

Schedulers are responsible for generating request arrival times. There are three request schedulers available in TSLoad:

Also there is common parameter called deadline that is useful in simulating real-time processes. If request start it's execution after (arrival time + deadline), then TSLoad discards such request. Default value for that parameter is 292 years.


Request parameters are passed from JSON-based config to workload module to describe how it should behave to run request. Like variable they could have different scopes.

Each parameter have type which says TSLoad how to process it. Type is identified by wlp_type_t enumeration value:

Base type Type JSON node in config C variable type Description
WLP_BOOL Boolean wlp_bool_t Boolean type
WLP_INTEGER WLP_INTEGER Number wlp_integer_t Abstract 64-bit signed integer
WLP_SIZE Number wlp_integer_t Size in bytes
WLP_TIME Number wlp_integer_t Time interval
WLP_FLOAT Number wlp_float_t Floating point number with double precision
WLP_FILE_PATH String char Path to file
WLP_STRING_SET String wlp_strset_t (int) Special type to create enumerations
WLP_HI_OBJECT WLP_CPU_OBJECT String wlp_hiobject_t hostinfo CPU object
WLP_DISK String wlp_hiobject_t hostinfo disk object

However, some of these types are just hints, for example WLP_TIME is alias for WLP_INTEGER. Let's again run tsexperiment tool and take closer look at parameter view of bigmem workload.

$ ./bin/tsexperiment workload
WLTYPE           CLASS              MODULE      
        PARAM            SCOPE OPT  TYPE   RANGE      DEFAULT
bigmem           C--m-------------- bigmem      
        mempool_size     WL        SIZE                    
                Memory pool size
        cycles           RQ        INT                     
                Number of cycles
        offset           RQ        INT                     
                Starting offset inside memory pool
        step             RQ        INT                     
                Iteration step over memory pool
        access           RQ        STRSET mm,mr,rr         
                Indicates if operation is memory-intensive or not 
        instruction      RQ        STRSET sum,mul,cmp       
                Instruction to be executed (sum, mul, cmp)

As you can see, there are on workload-scoped parameter called mempool_size which is integer - but have 'SIZE' hint. It Other four types are request scoped. access and instruction parameters are enumerations. Let's create parameters vector for that workload:

        "params": {
            "mempool_size": 268435456,
            "cycles": 100000,
            "offset": 0,
            "step": 64,
            "access": "mm",
            "instruction": "mul"

Good, but not enough. First of all, despite access variable says that transfers should be memory-memory, they won't be. Thats because with step = 64, offset = 0, and cycles = 100000, so all requests will walk first 6.4 megabytes of memory pool, so they basically will do cache-cache transfers, because modern L3 caches are enough to store such amounts of memory. Also, have you seen workloads that only multiply? We just created one. So we need to make per-request parameters random.

TSLoad have three possibilities to create random-generated request parameters:

        "params": {
            "mempool_size": 268435456,
            "cycles":  {
                "randgen" : { "class" : "lcg" },
                "randvar" : {
                    "class": "exponential",
                    "rate": 1e-05
            "offset": {
                "randgen" : { "class" : "lcg" }
            "step": 64,
            "access": "mm",
            "instruction": {
                "randgen" : { "class" : "lcg" },
                "pmap": [
                       "valarray": ["cmp", "sum", "mul"], 
                       "probability": 0.2
                       "value": "sum", 
                       "probability": 0.2
                       "value": "mul", 
                       "probability": 0.6

In this example cmp have probability of 0.2 / 3 = ~0.067, sum - 0.2 + (0.2 / 3) = 0.267 and mul - 0.0667.

LCG is a abbreviation for Linear congruential generator.


1. Paul Barham, Austin Donnelly, Rebecca Isaacs, and Richard Mortier. 2004. Using magpie for request extraction and workload modelling. In Proceedings of the 6th conference on Symposium on Opearting Systems Design & Implementation - Volume 6 (OSDI'04), Vol. 6. USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, USA, p. 260.
2. The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis - by Raj Jain (ISBN 0471-50336-3, 1991, 685 pages, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York), p. 4.