
Operating system and application are crucial parts of a computer system, but due to their colossal complexity, there are situations related to software bugs, incorrect system setup that lead to incorrect behavior. To address these issues, system administrator should perform instrumentation which depends on the issue arisen: it could be performance statistics collection and their analysis, debug or system audit. Two common approaches to instrumentation are sampling when you collect state of the system: values of some variables, stacks of threads, etc. at unspecified moments of time and tracing when you install probes at specified places of software. Profiling is a most famous example of sampling.

Sampling is very helpful when you do not know where issue happens, but it hardly help when you try to know why it happened. I.e. profiling revealed that some function, say foo() that processes lists of elements, consumes 80% of the time, but doesn't say why: whether some lists are too long, or they should be pre-sorted, or list is inappropriate data structure for foo(), or whatever. With tracing we can install a probe to that function, gather information on lists (say their length) and collect cumulative execution of function foo(), and then cross-reference them, searching for a pattern in lists whose processing costs too much CPU time.

Over time operating system kernels have grown different methods of tracing. First one and a simplest one is counters –- each time probe fires (say, major page fault), they increase some counter. Counters may be read through kstat interface in Solaris:

# kstat -p |grep maj_fault
    cpu:0:vm:maj_fault      7588

Linux usually provides counters through procfs or sysfs:

# cat /proc/vmstat  | grep pgmajfault
    pgmajfault 489268

This approach is limited: you can't add counter for every event without losing performance, and they are usually system-wide (i.e. you can't know what process causing major-faults), or process/thread-wide.

More complex approach is debug printing: add a printk() or cmn_err() statement as a probe, but this approach is quite limited, because you need recompile kernel each time you need new set of probes. But if all debug printing will be enabled, you will get excessive system load. By default, most of debug printing in Solaris are disabled unless you compile a DEBUG-build, which is not publicly available. Modern Linux kernels however developed a dynamic debugging facility available via pr_debug(). There are several static probes which are deactivated on systems start, but can be activated externally: ftrace and kprobes in Linux and TNF on Solaris, but amount of information provided by them is still limited, and ftrace/kprobes are requiring writing kernel modules which is not convenient and dangerous.

So, generally speaking, that approaches provide very limited set of data at very limited set of tracing points. The only approach that widens that limits is kernel debugger, but because each breakpoint halts system, it cannot be used on production systems. The answer to them are dynamic tracing which is the topic of this book.