
Agents and TSLoad Core

The key component of TSLoad is an agent, an executable that receives requests from user and sends them to TSLoad Core which is implemented by libtsload library. There are several meanings of "receiving requests", but each of them is represented by an appropriate function call. These functions form an High-level TSLoad API which is described in .

Most arguments of high-level API function have simple types, but some of them are complex, that is they have multiple variables inside, and some of they may be optional. Complex values are represented by so-called TSObjects (their C type is pointer to tsobj_node_t) which true nature depends on agent. Let's take for example function tsload_schedule_threadpool which allows to change OS scheduler parameters for threads of a threadpool as described in Key concepts: threadpools:

LIBEXPORT int tsload_schedule_threadpool(const char* tp_name, tsobj_node_t* sched);

First argument of that function is name of threadpool. Note that high-level doesn't provide access to an object representing threadpool opposite to a low-level TSLoad functions which are work directly with objects. Second argument is an TSObject. That allows this function being quite flexible. If TSLoad didn't have such parameters, tsload_schedule_threadpool had to be separated into several functions:

LIBEXPORT int tsload_tp_set_sched_policy(const char* tp_name, int wid, const char* name);
LIBEXPORT int tsload_tp_set_sched_param(const char* tp_name, int wid, const char* param, long value);
LIBEXPORT int tsload_tp_sched_commit(const char* tp_name, int wid);
LIBEXPORT int tsload_tp_bind(const char* tp_name, int wid, cpumask_t*);

This approach less convenient: for example you may wonder what tsload_tp_sched_commit do. I will only say that if you will write your own agent and forget to call that function, scheduler parameters won't be altered. For a details, see implementation of scheduler utils: .

Summarizing all of this, TSLoad capabilities is implemented by one of available agents:

Common libraries

TSLoad requires only standard C library, and all needed functionality is implemented in Common libraries. I had considered using GLib as an primary library for TSLoad, but it too heavy to be built (and finding and building it for exotic platforms may be hard). Also, TSLoad needs good control of its source code base because each change of it may impose unpredictable experiment result shifts. TSLoad had also used libjson to parse incoming JSON, but this library has plenty of problems (i.e. if you miss a comma in experiment configuration file it will say 'Not JSON' and return NULL it a place where NULL shouldn't be returned). libjson was replaced with libtsjson which is light-weight, written in C and compatible with TSObject API.

Common libraries are:

Sources for all libraries are located in lib directory.


As mentioned in , TSLoad is modular, thus it dynamically loads external libraries from INSTALL_MOD_LOAD directory, and runs their mod_config functions. Than that function is called, module registers workload types that it is capable to run, i.e. http module may run web workloads. Modules may be written outside of TSLoad as described in . Modules that are shipped with TSLoad are located in mod subdirectory.


TSLoad Server allows to manage multiple instances of agents. Technically server is only a router that receives JSON-TS messages from multiple endpoints, check ACLs for that endpoints and forwards them to a desired agent. Server is written in Python and works on top of Twisted framework.